

Dr. J. E. Rayas Sánchez


Simulation Methods for Electronic Circuits (graduate course, 2020)

This course will enable students to efficiently simulate electronic devices and circuits using commercially available CAD tools. Students will gain basic skills on fundamental CAD methodologies, as well as on some state-of-the-art CAD techniques. Statistical analysis and yield estimations for electronic circuits under manufacturing uncertainties will be considered. Although circuit-based low-frequency simulation will be emphasized, an introduction to high frequency distributed-circuit simulation and full-wave electromagnetic simulation will also be realized. The use of simulation software for hands-on experience will be emphasized throughout the course.



    0.   Brief tutorials on Matlab (1) (2)

  1. A historical perspective of CAD and some future trends (1)

  2. Systematic analysis of linear and non-linear circuits

    1. Formulation of circuit equations (1)

    2. The MNA method for DC and frequency-domain analysis  (2)

    3. Time-domain transient analysis of linear circuits (3)

    4. An introduction to the Harmonic Balance method (4)

    5. An introduction to the Adjoint Network technique

  3. Efficient circuit simulation with SPICE

    1. Introduction to SPICE (1)

    2. Structure of the SPICE language (2)

    3. SPICE basic functions (3) (4) (5)

    4. SPICE models for basic components (6) 

    5. SPICE advanced functions (7) (8) (9) (10)

    6. Modeling sensors and other physical systems with SPICE (11) (12) (13)

    7. Driving WinSpice from Matlab (14) 

  4. Statistical analysis and yield calculations

    1. Sources of uncertainty in circuit performance and yield definitions  (1)

    2. Monte Carlo simulations and yield predictions (2)  (3)  (4)

    3. Sensitivities, worst-case estimation, and first-order statistical analysis (5)

  5. High-frequency circuit simulation

    1. Basic concepts on high-frequency circuits (1)

    2. Empirical rules for using transmission line theory (2)

    3. An introduction to APLAC's circuit simulator (3) (4) (5) (6)

    4. Driving APLAC from Matlab  (7) (8) 

  6. Full-wave EM simulation

    1. An overview on full-wave EM simulation  (1)  (2)

    2. EM simulation using Sonnet (3) (4)

    3. An introduction to APLAC's FDTD method (5)

    4. EM simulation using COMSOL


        Assignment 1

        Assignment 2

        Assignment 3

        Assignment 4

        Assignment 5

Final Project: Guidelines for the oral presentation and written report 

List of previous final projects



        WinSpice circuit simulator

        APLAC high-frequency circuit simulator

        NI AWR Design Environment

        Qucs high-frequency circuit simulator

        Sonnet, full-wave EM simulator

        ADS and EM-Pro

        CST Microwave Studio

         COMSOL Multiphysics